President Barack Obama delivered his final State of the Union address on January 12, 2016. Before, during, and after the speech, this blog posted tweets from Brookings experts and links to their relevant research on the issues. 

Visit our State of the Union 2016 page for the latest research and commentary from Brookings experts. 

Read Bill Galston’s post-SOTU piece, “Obama’s final State of the Union: An incomplete success.”

In Haley’s #SOTU response: “there’s a tendency to falsely equate noise with results.” (Then makes a good bit of noise, but still nice line.)

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

Gov. Haley is killing it. She’s racing up every GOP candidate’s short-short list for VP. #SOTU #GOPResponse

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

In studio at All Things Considered and ready to go! @npr @npratc #SOTU @ NPR

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

I like that Haley’s #SOTU response admits bipartisan guilt for lost public trust–& her vague happy response nicer than most these days.

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

Smart of #NikkiHaley not to be just partisans but to say Republicans should “recognize our contributions to the erosion of the public trust”

— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 13, 2016

Stay tuned for Bill Galston’s reaction to the speech …

No mention of guns was stunning. A silent presentation by POTUS #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

Stay tuned for #SOTU reaction from @BillGalston.

— Brookings Governance (@BrookingsGov) January 13, 2016

Twitter feed sharply divided between people who are deeply moved and folks entirely unmoved. Not a left-right split either. #metaSOTU

— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) January 13, 2016

Obama finishing his last #SOTU speech in 2016 much like his first DNC speech in 2004.

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

A tribute to Jimmy Carter, 1976: Public life should reflect “the goodness and decency and optimism that I see in the American people.”

— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 13, 2016

Six years after #CitizensUnited @BrookingsGov is holding a solutions summit 12PM Jan. 21. #campaignfinance

— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 13, 2016

Dismissal of people who question the likelihood of deep reform under current path as cynics is the most cynical #SOTU line of them all.

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

Lincoln might have “better bridged the divide”? Easier when the Southern representatives stopped showing up for work.

— Vanessa Williamson (@V_Williamson) January 13, 2016

Folks, addressing gerrymandering, voting laws, and campaign finance won’t end the rancor–won’t even diminish it significantly.

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

Why making voting a duty would enhance our elections and improve our government. CC: @EJDionne

— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 13, 2016

.@BarackObama – One of the disappointments of my presidency is that I was not able to bridge the divide between our political parties. #SOTU

— Brookings FP (@BrookingsFP) January 13, 2016

#SOTU admission: “the rancor and suspicion between the parties has gotten worse instead of better” during O admin. But blames comm strategy.

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

#Obama quotes #PopeFrancis: “to imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place.”

— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 13, 2016

Here are two words that do not appear in the speech together: “Syrian” and “refugee.”

— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) January 13, 2016

“We need to reject any politics that targets people because of race or religion.” How Obama is speaking to Nov 2016:

— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 13, 2016

The combination of making annual #SOTU promise of closing Guantanamo and then not doing it is…a strange strategy to secure legitimacy.

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

The combination of making annual #SOTU promise of closing Guantanamo and then not doing it is…a strange strategy to secure legitimacy.

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

Obama shouldn’t cite Syria as proof of US leading by mobilizing others. We do most of bombing against ISIS & no one likes our Assad policy

— Will McCants (@will_mccants) January 13, 2016

#Obama far clearer and more pointed tonight than he has been recently in laying out the goals and assumptions foreign policy.

— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 13, 2016

Robert Einhorn calls the Iran nuclear deal imperfect but worthy. Here are 6 big issues driving the debate: #SOTU

— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) January 13, 2016

Learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals.

What #Obama gets right about America’s Asia policy, by @MichaelEOHanlon:

— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 13, 2016

TPP talk. Time for inverse partisan applause #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

Some really clear, if indirect, jabs at the #GOP field. He ought to get used to it. He will be doing a lot of it in the next 10 months #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

“calls to carpet bomb civilians” don’t “pass muster on the world stage” #SOTU

— Vanessa Williamson (@V_Williamson) January 13, 2016

The heart of # Obama’s view: “As we focus on destroying ISIL, over-the-top claims that this is World War III just play into their hands.”

— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 13, 2016

“Coalition of the willing” kind of rolled off the tongue and it can’t be used any more. #ThanksBush #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

In one breath Obama downplays ISIS threat to Americans and in next says we’re bombing the hell out of the group. Incongruent.

— Will McCants (@will_mccants) January 13, 2016

Lot of people on Twitter suddenly upset with POTUS about the last few minutes of speak–on Ukraine, ISIS, and other stuff. #metaSOTU

— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) January 13, 2016

Brookings research on ISIS/ISIL.

Obama trying to have serious conversation #SOTU on threat levels and perceptions re: #ISIS. Good luck.

— Dan Byman (@dbyman) January 13, 2016

“We’re threatened less by evil empires and more by failing states.”
#Obama #SOTU

— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 13, 2016

Obama in a clear slapdown of GOP field, esp @realDonaldTrump, gets machismo about American power. All applaud. Easy chipshot #SOTU.

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

Obama offers a mainstream progressive agenda tonight. Not the extreme, not the meek. A message that will work in swing states #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

Low gas prices are good for consumer spending. Is it good for building a 21st century transport system? Or promoting carbon reduction? #SOTU

— Robert Puentes (@rpuentes) January 13, 2016

Get the latest analysis and commentary on the world from our Order from Chaos blog, and Markaz blog about the Middle East.

This speech is about:
1. Making case for hope and optimism against gloom and doom.
2. Trying to set the terms of the 2016 debate.

— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 13, 2016

.@POTUS highlights climate change at #SOTU. @BrookingsInst blog post on why econ motivation must spur climate action

— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 13, 2016

Obama’s #SOTU climate barbs make light of most serious obstacle facing any climate policy: political sustainability.

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

Let’s cure cancer, just like that. Seriously? #SOTU speeches always have some overpromising, but this is what feeds cynicism about politics.

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

Obama reels off successes: healthcare, a booming economy, closing guant….wait… #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

Obama mentions “best practices” at #SOTU. He’s looking for a job in a year, maybe he’ll consider @BrookingsInst

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

See what Brookings experts had to say about the Paris Climate conference (COP21).

Obama missed his chance to be an anti-business, anti-bank firebrand back in 2009. And we should be glad! #SOTU

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

Good line: Food Stamp recipients didn’t cause the financial crisis; recklessness on Wall Street did. #sotu

— David Wessel (@davidmwessel) January 13, 2016

Obama talking about recklessness on Wall Street. Read my and @BillGalston‘s paper about financial regulations: #SOTU

— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 13, 2016

Not much applause from the VP about the damage big business has done. He also represented a lot of corporate addresses in the Senate #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

Rhetorical orientation to business in #SOTU fascinating. Innovative, but irresponsible; positive sum, zero sum. Cut red tape–& also profits

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

The president is giving a speech narrated through the eyes of the average American, rather than barking proposals. Take note 2016ers #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

#POTUS: New economy must work for more ppl. @BrookingsMetro will look at how tech will impact jobs in each metro.

— Amy Liu (@amy_liuw) January 13, 2016

Obama says hardworking Americans deserve the same pension and benefits Congress gets. A good line. Hard to argue with. #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

From changing debt

Unfortunately Obama’s laugh line about continuity in Congress seems very dated indeed. About half of House members new since 2010.

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

.@POTUS describes Americans’ economic anxieties; is #Trump2016 taking advantage of these anxieties?

— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 13, 2016

Brookings research on community college.

Obama channeling core message on 2016 trail: inequality in the face of amazing growth. #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

Read experts’ take on the latest jobs report.

Obama hails economy. Good for his legacy. Good for Dem 2016ers #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

President’s opponents don’t see “commitment to the rule of law” as central to getting through fin. crisis, remaking energy system #SOTU

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

Key #Obama line: “How do we keep America safe and lead the world without becoming its policeman?”

— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 13, 2016

Man, Republicans really don’t like marrying the person you love…. #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

Tonight, @POTUS has that tone and that cadence of the campaigner, more so than other #SOTU‘s

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

#Obama hits those in “who promised to restore past glory if we just got some group or idea that was threatening America under control” #SOTU

— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 13, 2016

Say America’s best days are AHEAD of us:
49% US
41% GOP
59% Dem.
According to @publicreligion #SOTU

— Bill Galston (@BillGalston) January 13, 2016

Criminal justice reform: Evidence-based policy with bipartisan appeal. @ehm692 #SOTU

— Brookings Governance (@BrookingsGov) January 13, 2016

US strengths as seen by Obama admin: “optimism & work ethic, spirit of discovery & innovation, diversity & commitment to the rule of law”

— Philip Wallach (@PhilipWallach) January 13, 2016

Right off, #Obama says that “expectations for what we’ll achieve this year are low.”

— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) January 13, 2016

President starts speech with a jab at 2016 field and a h/t to working relationship w the new speaker. #SOTU

— John Hudak (@JohnJHudak) January 13, 2016

Don’t miss @EJDionne & @JohnJHudak on @npratc following Obama’s final #SOTU:

— Brookings Governance (@BrookingsGov) January 13, 2016

Had hoped for #SOTU the POTUS would declare that we’d finally say “Islamic State” rather than use #ISIL. Once again, disappointment awaits

— Dan Byman (@dbyman) January 13, 2016

“With one year left in my presidency, I’m still fired up and ready to go,” says #Obama. But can he find a way to fire up Americans tonight?

— Shibley Telhami (@ShibleyTelhami) January 13, 2016

Will #Mexico & #Chapo get a mention in the #SOTU? #Mexico should. Was a #drug lord ever mentioned in a #SOTU?

— Vanda Felbab-Brown (@VFelbabBrown) January 13, 2016

If Article II had meant the president to give a nationally televised speech with pageantry and faux warmth, the Founders would have said so.

— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) January 13, 2016

I’ll be live tweeting Obama’s #SOTU tonight, and so will many of my @BrookingsInst colleagues. Full list here:

— Elaine Kamarck (@EKamarck) January 12, 2016

Back by popular demand, it’s my #meta #sotu commentary–in which I don’t actually watch the #sotu but comment on the twitter coverage.

— Benjamin Wittes (@benjaminwittes) January 12, 2016

Obama should (will?) say in #SOTU that “taking in refugees is not just living up to American values but also smart counterterrorism.” #pt

— Shadi Hamid (@shadihamid) January 12, 2016

A pre-SOTU piece that you really must read, by @BrookingsFP predoc fellow @chrismeserole: Obama & the Morning Light

— Suzanne Maloney (@MaloneySuzanne) January 12, 2016

#SOTU will show what Obama is most proud of & what he thinks a potential #Dem successor should tout in the campaign.

— Brookings Governance (@BrookingsGov) January 12, 2016

Amid rising fears of ISIS, @will_mccants explains how Obama can reassure: #SOTU

— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) January 12, 2016

From FDR to Clinton, how Obama’s predecessors used the State of the Union effectively:

— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) January 11, 2016

How Obama can take a cue from Reagan & Clinton in his final #SOTU address:

— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) January 12, 2016

.@michaeleohanlon reflects on what Obama gets right about Asia policy ahead of the president’s final #SOTU:

— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) January 11, 2016

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