Democracy depends on the guarantee of equal rights under law and freedom from discrimination for all individuals in a society. If the rights and freedoms of one segment of the population are violated with impunity, the same sorts of abuses are likely to be visited on others. Those forced to endure a subordinate status have less incentive to play by the rules, creating a vicious circle of defiance and repression.

 Free Them All: A Political Prisoners Initiative

Free Them All: A Political Prisoners Initiative

Free Them All: A Political Prisoners Initiative is a new Freedom House project intended to help free political prisoners and push back against the jailing of activists as a tool of repression. Located around the globe, the stories of these artists, journalists, and activists illustrate the significant pressures and harms that human rights defenders and pro-democracy activists face in reprisal for their work and why they need our support.

Freedom House supports frontline activists in their efforts to defend fundamental rights, including to document abuses, advocate for justice, end impunity, and fortify the self-protection of human rights defenders. We also provide emergency assistance to human rights defenders who come under threat and work with activists to broaden public support for upholding human rights and the fight for equality. 

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protest in kong kong umbrella movement

Human Rights Support Mechanism

The Human Rights Support Mechanism is a project of the PROGRESS consortium, which provides technical assistance and support to partners and beneficiaries in developing countries around the world to protect and promote human rights.

Dignity for all rainbow flag lgbti pride

Dignity for All

The Dignity for All: LGBTQI Assistance Program provides emergency assistance; security, opportunity, and advocacy rapid response grants (SOAR grants); and security assessment and training to human rights defenders and civil society organizations  under threat or attack due to their work for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex human rights.

Azerbaijan protesters and police

Supporting Human Rights Defenders Around the World

Freedom House administers several funds which offer emergency assistance to organizations and individuals around the world who are under threat because of their human rights work.

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If you would like to interview a Freedom House expert on this topic, please email [email protected].

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