Domestic instability in Russia has been a perpetual concern for Europeans due to their geographic proximity. Prior to the invasion of Ukraine, many European policymakers shared the perception that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin may be a ruthless autocratic leader, but he at least provided stability in Russia while the alternatives could be worse. After the invasion, policymakers, especially in Western Europe, continued to assume that any immediate challenge to the regime was wishful thinking.
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Yevgeny Prigozhin’s rebellion has now put the fragility of Putin’s regime on full display. This is a wake-up call for Europeans. Europe is no longer facing a choice between Putin and instability. Putin is the instability, domestically and externally. French President Emmanuel Macron said the mutiny has revealed the fragility and the divisions within Russia, and urged vigilance.
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European states would be among the first to experience the consequences of instability in Russia. They need to plan for the real possibility that a post-Putin Russia could be characterized by radical right-wing nationalism and/or chaos rather than liberalization. This planning process should take place within the European Union (EU) as well as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). It should extend beyond scenario exercises, and instead develop concrete emergency response plans addressing the implications of political turmoil and a power vacuum in Russia. The discussion of European foreign ministers on June 26 provided a starting point, and the NATO Vilnius Summit on July 11 and 12 is another opportunity for confidential dialogue on the potential implications and responses.
Russian President Vladimir Putin walks down the steps to address troops gathered on the grounds of the Kremlin on June 27, 2023. Sergei Guneyev/Sputnik/AFP/Getty
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The core interest of the West is to have Russia out of Ukraine, not regime change in Moscow. For this reason, the United States and Europe adopted highly restrained statements in response to the mutiny, framing it as an internal Russian affair—cautious to avoid any accusations of Western meddling. Close coordination, such as U.S. President Joe Biden’s phone call with leaders in London, Paris, and Berlin, and outreach by top U.S. diplomats and military leaders to their European counterparts, ensured a united transatlantic message in a moment of crisis in Russia. However, joint messaging will not be sufficient if such a scenario repeats itself. Detailed preparation is required for a future when another challenge to the Russian regime is more successful than the last—which could occur sooner than expected.
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