Title page


The Rise of Payment and Contracting Platforms

Prepared by Tobias Adrian and Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli

June 2023

Copyright Page

©2023 International Monetary Fund

The Rise of Payment and Contracting Platforms

Note 2023/005

Prepared by Tobias Adrian and Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli 1

DISCLAIMER: Fintech Notes offer practical advice from IMF staff members to policymakers on important issues. The views expressed in Fintech Notes are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management.

RECOMMENDED CITATION: Adrian, Tobias and Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli 2023. “The Rise of Payment and Contracting Platforms” IMF Fintech Note 2023/005, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC.

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ISBN: 979-8-40024-574-9 (Paper)

979-8-40024-577-0 (ePub)

979-8-40024-580-0 (PDF)

JEL Classification Numbers: F3, G2, O3
Keywords: cross-border payments; platforms; central bank digital currencies; digital money; foreign exchange; settlement; programmability encryption
Authors’ email addresses: tadrian@imf.org and tmancinigriffoli@imf.org


  • Glossary

  • Introduction

  • I. Interoperability and the Anatomy of Payments, from Domestic to Cross-Border

  • II. XC Platforms

  • III. Domestic CBDC Platforms

  • Conclusion

  • References


  • Figure 1: Cross-Border Payments Via Correspondent Banking

  • Figure 2: A Simple Cross-Border Payment Via the XC Platform



anti–money laundering/combatting the financing of terrorism


central bank digital currency


capital flow management measures


payment versus payments


exchange and contracting

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