An Iranian official on Tuesday warned Israel against attacking Tehran's nuclear facilities, noting such a move would lead to a war.

Speaking to Al Jazeera, the Iranian official said: "We do not seek war, but the world must understand we have lines, that there are no red lines when it comes to our response to Israel."

This came following remarks made by Chief of Staff of Israeli Army, Herzi Halevi, who warned that the "negative developments" on the Iranian nuclear front "could lead to action against Iran."

Halevi's statements, the Iranian official said, amount to official terrorism, accusing the international community of tolerating it.

"They reflect the depth of Israel's internal problems," he stressed, adding that Israeli threats would not change the course of its nuclear programme. He, however, denied Israeli claims that Tehran is enriching uranium above the 60 per cent level.

At the same time, he reiterated that Iran is continuous in the development of its military capabilities in all fields, noting this frustrates Israel. But he said: "We do not have in our military creed any place for nuclear weapons."

The Iranian official's comments came after Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant warned: "All options must be on the table to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons."

READ: Top Israel General says 'action' is on horizon over Iran nuclear work

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