Northwestern Syria is being consolidated into an effective canton protected and sustained by—and dependent on—Türkiye. Given the lack of prospects for any side to secure a decisive victory in the Syrian war or for a political settlement, the territory is the outcome of conflict management processes pursued by Türkiye, Russia, Iran, and the Syrian regime since 2016.
In an interview, Thomas de Waal discusses the stakes, and risks, in the recent fighting in the contested territory.
The Azerbaijani assault in Nagorno-Karabakh in many ways reflects a ruthless strategy that was previously employed in Syria.
As Saudi Arabia invests in high-profile international players, a key question is how might its league improve?
To understand the underlying factors contributing to human insecurity, the challenges faced by local populations and organizations, and the type of humanitarian and political support required from international actors in the aftermath of the 2023 earthquake, the Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center is organizing an event on September 19, at 5:00 PM Beirut Time.
The most powerful PLO faction is facing simultaneous challenges, and at the worst possible moment for the Palestinian national movement.
On the third anniversary of the Abraham Accords, an already fractured region is divided further over the prospects of peace.
Three decades after the signing of the first Palestinian-Israeli accord, what remains is an Israeli mechanism to control Palestinians on the cheap.
French envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian is wondering why some Lebanese parties reject a dialogue over a new president; fear may be a reason.