Campaign 2024
2023-06-27T20:03:01-04:00 Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley delivered remarks on U.S. foreign policy and the diplomatic approach she would take with China if elected president. She spoke at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C, and said she would take a much more aggressive stance toward China than either President Biden or former President Trump. She said that would include continued support for Ukraine in its war against Russia, which she said would deter China from its own military aggression against Taiwan. Following her remarks, Ms. Haley engaged in a conversation with an AEI senior fellow and answered questions from the audience.
2024 Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley delivered remarks on U.S. foreign policy and the diplomatic approach she would take with… read more
2023-06-27T20:03:01-04:00 Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley delivered remarks on U.S. foreign policy and the diplomatic approach she would take with China if elected president. She spoke at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C, and said she would take a much more aggressive stance toward China than either President Biden or former President Trump. She said that would include continued support for Ukraine in its war against Russia, which she said would deter China from its own military aggression against Taiwan. Following her remarks, Ms. Haley engaged in a conversation with an AEI senior fellow and answered questions from the audience.
2024 Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley delivered remarks on U.S. foreign policy and the diplomatic approach she would take with… read more
2024 Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley delivered remarks on U.S. foreign policy and the diplomatic approach she would take with China if elected president. She spoke at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C, and said she would take a much more aggressive stance toward China than either President Biden or former President Trump. She said that would include continued support for Ukraine in its war against Russia, which she said would deter China from its own military aggression against Taiwan. Following her remarks, Ms. Haley engaged in a conversation with an AEI senior fellow and answered questions from the audience. close
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*This text was compiled from uncorrected Closed Captioning.
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People in this video
Zack Cooper Senior Fellow American Enterprise Institute
Robert Doar President American Enterprise Institute
Nikki Haley Presidential Candidate [R] United States