Russia is stepping up the talks with Egypt, Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates

Serious work on drafting a free trade agreement between the EAEU states and Iran has been carried out, and Russia expects the document to be signed by the end of 2023, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said at the meetings of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the CIS Heads of Government Council attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin.  The transcript of the meeting is published on the official website of the Kremlin.

“Regarding the international agenda, the union remains the centre of attraction for a large number of foreign partners. Many countries are interested in increasing the dialogue with the union in various formats today. We have carried out serious work on drafting a free trade agreement with Iran; we expect to sign it before the end of the year. We are stepping up our talks with Egypt, Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates,” said Mikhail Mishustin.

Temporary free trade agreement between EAEU states and Iran was signed on 17 May 2018 and came into force on 27 October 2019. Since it was to expire in late October 2022, a document was signed in Tegeran on 14 March 2022 to extend the agreement for three years or until signing of a free trade agreement. Negotiations on signing of a free trade agreement have been underway in pursuance of the decision made by Supreme Eurasian Economic Council on 11 December 2020.

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