LIVEBLOG: West Bank terror attack kills 4, both suspects neutralized

Ariel Oseran and Jonathan Regev

Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedic at scene of a terror attack in the West Bank.
Magen David AdomMagen David Adom (MDA) paramedic at scene of a terror attack in the West Bank.

The two terrorists were neutralized after shooting eight civilians, killing four, the first by a civilian in the area and the second by Israeli special forces

A terror attack was reported in the West Bank at a gas station, with eight victims, four were killed and four wounded, according to Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed that one terrorist was neutralized by a civilian, while additional suspects were being pursued.

Israel's Home Front Command instructed civilians near the Eli village of the West Bank to stay inside, to lock their doors and windows, and not to leave until the incident is over. They have closed roads in the area. Two hours later, locals were informed that it was safe to leave their ho

According to MDA's CEO there were two scenes, speaking on the local Channel 12 news he said the first was at the gas station and the second at the Eli village. There have been 28 Israelis murdered by terrorists since the beginning of the year.

IDF spokesperson says forces will be increased at the Central Command

"In accordance with the assessment of the situation in the IDF, it was decided to reinforce a number of additional battalions in the Judea and Samaria Division. The forces will be reinforced starting tonight, this is in addition to the reinforcement of forces in the sector in recent weeks," the statement said.

Binyamin Regional Council spokesperson announces

Nahman Shmuel Mordof was the youngest victim at 17-years-old, from the Ahiya community in the Binyamin region.

Saudi Arabia condemned the "Israeli escalation" for the previous day's counterterror operation in the West Bank city of Jenin.

Israel Police Spokesperson said, "At the end of the situation assessment, it was decided to thicken the array of forces on Judea and Samaria roads, with an emphasis on sensitive areas, intersections and crowd concentration points."

"The police forces and the IDF will work to maintain public safety and prevent public order incidents while allowing protests at the intersections and points they determine," the statement added.

Israel's Foreign Minister Eli Cohen directed the Israeli ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan to work for a Security Council condemnation of the terrorist attack, as well as from Secretary General Antonio Guterres, and the EU's top diplomat Josep Borrell.

President Herzog offered his condolences to the families of the murdered, offering a prayer for complete healing. He also called on the entire public, especially "our sisters and brothers in Judea and Samaria who are in heavy mourning to continue to show responsibility and solidarity."

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich arrived at the scene.

Hamas said that the “heroic” attack in Eli that killed four Israelis “is just the beginning of a series” of attack last that will make the lives of Israeli “soldiers and settlers a nightmare.”

Palestinians have reported that groups of Israeli settlers attacked and set fire to vehicles and homes near the Palestinian village of Huwara. Mosques in the village are calling on locals to go out and confront the settlers.

A third victim was identified as Ofer Fairman, a 60-year-old resident of Elli.

Both terrorists served two and three months prison sentences in 2020, reported Israeli Walla News.

The IDF Chief of Staff arrived at the scene, assessing the situation in Eli, with the participation of the commander of the Central Command, the commander of the Judea and Samaria Division, along with representatives of the Shin Bet and the police.

IDF Spokesperson's Unit
IDF Spokesperson's UnitIDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi (C) with senior commanders, at the scene of a terror attack that killed 4 Israelis in the West Bank.

Harel Massoud and Elisha Antman were identified as two of the victims.

Both terrorists in the deadly shooting attack near Eli belong to the Al-Qassam Brigades military wing of Hamas, Al-Jazeera reported, citing a leader in Hamas. Both hailed from the West Bank village of Urif, south of Nablus.

IDF Spokesperson Brigadier General Daniel Hagari briefs the press

“Earlier today, a car arrived from the village Urif , and 2 Hamas affiliated terrorists opened fire in a restaurant near Eli, murdering 3 civilians," started IDF Spokesperson Brigadier General Daniel Hagari in his statement.

“Later the terrorists opened fire in the gas station near the restaurant and murdered another civilian - there, one terrorist was neutralized by an Israeli civilian, and another fled the scene in a stolen car."

“The fleeing terrorist was crossing between regions, until the stolen car was found near the village of Tubas - in which security forces (Shin Bet and IDF) located and neutralized the terrorist."

"Two weapons were found - one in the gas station, and one in the car near Tubas."

“The IDF chief of the general staff Herzi Halevi held a situational assessment at the scene and ordered an increase of activity and apprehensions in the area, as well as reinforcement and strengthening of the defense in the region."

“The war on terror is ongoing - we act when we have intelligence (which we didn’t have today), and we find and thwart any attempts of violence that we have knowledge of," concluded the IDF spokesperson.

Arab media identified the second terrorist who killed four Israeli civilians, and was later killed in Tubas, as Khalid Mustafa Abdellatif Sabah. Like the first terrorist, Sabah too is from the Palestinian village of Urif.

"Today, near the settlement of Eli, an atrocious and shocking attack was carried out. From the bottom of my heart I send my condolences to the families of the murdered, may God avenge their blood. And on behalf of the entire nation, I send recovery wishes to the wounded," said Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Our forces are now operating in the field to settle the account with the murderers. We have already proven in the last months that we settle the account with all the murderers, without exception. Anyone who hurts us is either dead or in prison. It will be the same here," the Israeli leader added.

"But I want to say to all those who seek to harm us, all options are open. We will continue to fight terrorism with all our might, and we will win," Netanyahu concluded.

Shin Bet Internal Security Agency forces, along with the Israeli Police's Counter Terror Unit, were the ones to neutralize the second terrorist in Tubas.

 A joint announcement by the Shin Bet Spokesperson, the IDF Spokesperson and the Border Police Spokesperson confirmed the report.

"Forces of the Shin Bet and the Israeli Defense Forces conducted a chase for the suspect who fled the scene. During the intelligence and operational operations of the Shin Bet, the Toyota vehicle with which he fled the scene was located and inside it was a weapon that he allegedly used in the attack," read the statement.

"During the arrest attempt, the suspect tried to escape from the vehicle, was shot and neutralized by the forces. No injuries to our forces," the statement concluded.

After changing his vehicle to a taxi, special forces neutralized the terrorist - report.

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