2023-05-31T13:39:16-04:00https://ximage.c-spanvideo.org/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJwaWN0dXJlcy5jLXNwYW52aWRlby5vcmciLCJrZXkiOiJGaWxlc1wvYWU0XC8wMTNcLzE2ODU1NTQ4MTZfMDEzLmpwZyIsImVkaXRzIjp7InJlc2l6ZSI6eyJmaXQiOiJjb3ZlciIsImhlaWdodCI6NTA2fX19White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Council Communications Coordinator John Kirby held a briefing on the Biden administration’s agenda. Most of the questions to Mr. Kirby focused on the administration’s foreign policy, including its support for Ukraine in its ongoing war against Russia. Ms. Jean-Pierre mostly fielded questions on the deal struck with House Republicans to raise the nation’s debt limit, and also answered queries on the White House’s post-COVID rules for journalists covering events with President Biden.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Council Communications Coordinator John Kirby held a briefing on the Biden… read more

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